Matches and fireworks and gas products Aromatic

By: bravo | 4-Jan-2017 | 5:57 pm | Mail idea | Print idea | RSS

This idea is add one of various types of aromatic substances of vegetables & or animals & or synthetics origin & or combinations of the3 origin said to matches dough & Or matchsticks & materials Igneous have Use At fireworks as types of Cracker & gas used in as filling of lighters & picnic capsules.

Of course every one of matchsticks inside of matchbox & materials igneous inside of any one of cracker can to dip in one of aromatic substances different with another that odour of any one of them be different with to odour of any one of another them.

Companies producing materials Igneous and fireworks, matches and lighters cylinders and brokerage firms (intermediaries) Sale of gas with filling liquid gas cylinders city as picnic capsule can be potential buyers of this idea.

In addition to the attractive benefits that products of this idea have , they can cause smell Therapeutic At People And Creation entertainment With Consumption This Products They That to be Cause more Production of This Products.

The spraying of the perfumed materials on the body of firecrackers like cigarettes should be used due to the reason that the injection of the perfumed materials into each of them and then pasting the resultant hole of needle don't have the economic justification economic importance and executive necessity and cost effectiveness.

the process of the injection of the perfumed materials is done by some syringes which are equipped with a needle and it should be done by automatic and semi-automatic devise.

Then the glue is poured by a devise and with a help of a piece like a tube.

in this process the air pressure and a lamp are used and they cause the glue to be poured on the exact place of the mentioned hole.

The following points must be considered in applying and using the glue:

1) The glue must be of dried air type in order to be dried with the help of a blower fan (at the top of the piece) in the shortest possible time.

2) According to option 1 (above) , the viscosity of the glue Should be low to the appropriate extent.

it means that it should not be too low , so that it can be dried in the shortest possible time and the glue should be poured on the mentioned in drop way, quickly.

3) is it possible to use the glues with the mineral or animal (animal glue) or herbal (paste) origin or the glue stick on the combination of these glues , so that the glue can have economic justification , economic importance , executive necessity and cost effectiveness ?
The reason of filing the hole of a needle is that the functions process of the firecrackers like cigarettes are included: the accumulating of the gaser who results in the burning of incendiary materials and also the pressure of these gasers on the body of cigarette and the exploding of its body if there is a hole on the body.

The function of this process is disordered in this way and the gasers go out from the mentioned hole and the firecrackers don't work.

This rule is generalized in case of other firecrackers and fireworks materials which follow the same mechanism.

in the explanation of the way of spraying, it should be mentioned that for example, the cigarette in one pack go out of it and are put in a sequential way on a long protractor band, which its upper and lower part are closed and the protractor band will pass the cigarettes under the spray devise and the spray devise scatters the perfumed materials on them.
The function of this idea is in the production of the safe and dangerous matches, firecrackers and the perfumed fireworks materials.

The use of matches, firecrackers, and the perfumed fireworks materials produce the pleasant and attractive aroma which it can raise the customers demand and increases the production.

Therefore, being perfumed feature of the matches, firecrackers, and the fireworks materials is the advantage of this idea.

given that many countries are not manufacturers and exporters of fire crackers , flares and fireworks , the following suggestions are offered which consist of : the importing of the above - mentioned various firecrackers and other things from their nearest producing and exporting country which the names of these countries are given below , then transferring these explosives from the customs port to the workshops which should be established and equipped in the free trade zones and or in one of the special economist zones close to the islands , thereafter completing those things with injection or spraying aromatic substances on them , afterward the transferring of those things to the customs port for loading on ships and exporting to the customer countries.

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